Our AS Performance annual calendar 2019
It has arrived. The new AS Performance annual calendar 2019. Off to a successful new year in 2019!
Technically perfected high-performance lubricants, engine oils, additives, gear oils for automatic
and manual transmissions, hydraulic oils, greases, vehicle care products,
radiator antifreeze / antifreeze, brake fluids, winter protection chemicals, also for racing use.
Our synthetic, semi-synthetic and mineral oils as well as our entire range set standards in quality, performance and safety. Innovative ultimate quality for your vehicle.
Technically perfected high-performance lubricants, engine oils, additives, gear oils for automatic
and manual transmissions, hydraulic oils, greases, vehicle care products,
radiator antifreeze / antifreeze, brake fluids, winter protection chemicals, also for racing use.
Our synthetic, semi-synthetic and mineral oils as well as our entire range set standards in quality, performance and safety. Innovative ultimate quality for your vehicle.
Technically perfected high-performance lubricants, engine oils, additives, gear oils for automatic
and manual transmissions, hydraulic oils, greases, vehicle care products,
radiator antifreeze / antifreeze, brake fluids, winter protection chemicals, also for racing use.
Our synthetic, semi-synthetic and mineral oils as well as our entire range set standards in quality, performance and safety. Innovative ultimate quality for your vehicle.
Technically perfected high-performance lubricants, engine oils, additives, gear oils for automatic
and manual transmissions, hydraulic oils, greases, vehicle care products,
radiator antifreeze / antifreeze, brake fluids, winter protection chemicals, also for racing use.
Our synthetic, semi-synthetic and mineral oils as well as our entire range set standards in quality, performance and safety. Innovative ultimate quality for your vehicle.
Technically perfected high-performance lubricants, engine oils, additives, gear oils for automatic
and manual transmissions, hydraulic oils, greases, vehicle care products,
radiator antifreeze / antifreeze, brake fluids, winter protection chemicals, also for racing use.
Our synthetic, semi-synthetic and mineral oils as well as our entire range set standards in quality, performance and safety. Innovative ultimate quality for your vehicle.
It has arrived. The new AS Performance annual calendar 2019. Off to a successful new year in 2019!
The sun does not always shine in Germany either. Cool weather, frost, snow, wind, rain and bad road conditions are…
May we introduce: our new plastic manual pump for 60L and 205L barrels. It eases the pumping out of liquids…
Our products leave the factory after extensive product testing, careful order picking and safe loading. En route around the whole…
Here it is. Our new AS Performance website. No question: A German phrase says: “Everything is new in May.” In…
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Hochleistungsschmierstoffe, Motorenöle, Additive, Getriebeöle für Automatik- und Schaltgetriebe, Hydrauliköle, Fette, Fahrzeugpflegeprodukte, Kühlerfrostschutz/ Antifreeze, Bremsflüssigkeiten, Winterchemie, auch für den Rennsporteinsatz. Unsere synthetischen, teilsynthetischen und mineralischen Öle sowie unser gesamtes Sortiment setzen Maßstäbe in Qualität, Leistungsfähigkeit und Sicherheit. Innovative Spitzenqualität für Ihr Fahrzeug.
Der Fahrzeugtechnik. Die ersten Automobile wurden in Deutschland erfunden. Visionäre und Tüftler hatten Ideen und brannten für Ihren Traum, selbstfahrende Automobile auf die Straße zu bringen.
Er wurde Wirklichkeit. ASV1 Motorenöle und Schmierstoffe sind auf den Straßen und Rennstrecken unserer Zeit zu Hause. Modernste Technologie für die aktuellste Technik.
Unsere Premiumprodukte werden ausschließlich in Deutschland entwickelt und hergestellt. Sie werden regelmäßig von den namhaftesten Automobilherstellern freigegeben.
Unsere Schmierstoffexperten teilen die Begeisterung und die Leidenschaft unserer Geschäftspartner auf der ganzen Welt.
Wir informieren Dich regelmäßig über Neuigkeiten, Termine, Events und anstehende Projekte.